Sunday, February 20, 2011

A drawing a day- a new project.

Well, it's as simple as this. I've decided to take on another of those post a day projects. The first, I've been keeping up for 41 days, and that's more of a food journal, because I'm tired of being an ugly fatass. And it's on wordpress, on the blog that I've had since 2006. If you really want to bore yourself to death, you can go look at it:

The idea for this blog was born out of unemployed boredom and artist's block. I enjoy drawing, but artist's block is a cruel master.  That sounded pretentious. Let's try that again.
I enjoy drawing, but when artist's block hits, it's like running into a brick wall after catapulting off a huge trampoline. It's very frustrating when you want to draw something, but can't come up with any ideas.
So, I looked up a list of 365 drawing projects (I found it on deviantart, if you'd like to check it out: ) and decided to take a stab at it.

I feel like having a list like that to go off of will not only give me ideas, but it will give me suggestions which I may have never come up with on my own.

Now.... I draw trippy, abstract things at times, and some of them are quite complicated (to me, I'm kind of a dunce) and take hours to finish. I never really know how long my pictures take because I work on them bit by bit, usually over the course of a few days. I don't want you to read that and think I have a huge ego or something (believe me; sometimes I have trouble believing I'm good at anything), but my art can take a ridiculously long time to finish.

Some of the drawings I make for this are going to be intricate and take ages, but some of them will be smaller, simpler things. And maybe just a sketch. I'm not sure yet. I might even cheat and take pictures instead, if a prompt lends itself to photography better.

Now, I know it's mid February, so this project won't line up with those of you who were on top of things and started on January 1st, but I don't give a shit. It's my project, I'll decide when I start it. Tomorrow will be the official start, and I'm already working on what I'm going to post, which may be considered cheating, but again, I don't give a fuck. I might cheat on that too. On days where I'm feeling particularly creative, I may make several drawings, to cover my ass on those days where none of my drawings are any good.
You'll never know.
Unless I tell you. Which I probably will. So it's not an issue lol.
Anyway, as you will learn, I can get a bit rambly and start not making sense, so it is usually then that I decide to cut myself off.
Anyway, look forward to the first real entry tomorrow.

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