Firstly, I would take a new picture for you, but I don't have a dog to take any new pictures of, which means I would have to try to catch the neighbor puppy outside. Secondly... I'm just not feeling up to drawing. My allergies are kicking my ass and I'm sore from walking to town too much in the last three days.
Also, I'm feeling anxious, because I'm supposedly going to see a movie with someone tonight at 7. And... given our history of cancelled dates, I'm half expecting this one to be cancelled as well. Trying to stay positive, but at the same time, I don't want to get too excited, in case it does get cancelled. I've been pretty understanding and patient, but if tonight gets cancelled, I'm chewing him out.
No more of this "Oh, what if he can't help it blahblahblah I don't want to be mean" bullshit. I hope it doesn't come to that, but I can only take so much. Also... I've meant to do that several other times and decided to give him another chance (because I myself hate feeling helpless and like people won't give me another chance" but something's gotta give, you know?
Whatever. It may still happen so there's no need for me to fetch the pitchforks and light the torches just yet I suppose.
Anyway. Now onward with the dog pictures.
Get used to seeing pictures of this puppy.
Her name is Nali (or however they spell it, but it seems to me it should be spelled Nali) and I take so many pictures of her people probably think she's mine.
Seriously, can you say no to a face like this?
Puppeh, preparin for lift offff
I'll stop now, but you should know that there are several more pictures of that adorable little boxer that I am choosing not to include today. XD
Anyway, I have a few other random dog pictures I'd like to share with you. None of these dogs are mine.
Some random person's cute little dog. Seriously, with the cute curly hair and the adorable little face on this thing, I had to consciously not squeal about how adorable it was.
This is an old husky I used to see outside all the time. It was a house by the library, and most of the times I walked to or biked to the library, this husky would just be chilling out in the yard. I actually pet it once, but I was wearing a scarf at the time, and when I went to get up, it snapped at my scarf, forever making me too paranoid to pet it again. I don't see the dog anymore so he or she has probably gone off to the big pet sanctuary in the sky.
This was an old picture I took at Vanessa's. This would be Vanessa's dog Elvis (rest in peace!) and a couple of random cats. The grey and white cat's expression cracked me up
This is a picture I took at a house where I used to party. Well. I went to a few epic parties at this house. I believe this was taken the morning after one of said epic parties.
I promise, that's the last one. I wanted to make up for using old pictures.
When I started this blog, I thought I could churn out something decent and brand new every day but... I am simply not built that way. I'm not like that skull a day blogger guy, who can manage to come up with something new and creative every day.
My creativity is a strange beast. It's like a cute little kid or animal with a bad attitude. When it's in a good mood, it's a joy to be around, but when it's feeling naughty, it's a complete nightmare. It only works when it wants to, and there is really no forcing it when I'm just not feeling creative.
Tomorrow's theme is celebration, and while I will try really really hard to have something new for you, I may have to use pictures I've taken at parties, or weddings. Or something of that nature.
Well, I should really consider doing the sinkful of dishes I have soaking right now, so I'll talk to you tomorrow.
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