Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Day 190/365: Legs.

Today I'm cheating and using old pictures. Well, an old picture. I'm in a downer mood and don't care much.
Also, there aren't many pictures I have that focus on legs.

Sorry this sucks. I don't know about the quality of these posts. I have training for my new job on Thursday and Friday from 10am to 4pm. Nothing that Saturday, Sunday, and Monday for sure, but I'm not sure after that. 
I'm having a real anxiety issue over that new job. I need it, and I'm sure it'll be great working there, but this fucking anxiety is robbing me of any happiness I should be deriving from the fact that I've found a job in this shitty economy.

And honestly. I'm not sure what I'm on about. Nothing jobwise is going on tomorrow at all, then I have training for six hours on Thursday and six hours on Friday, then absolutely nothing until Tuesday, and even then, I'll be training. It's not like they'll throw me onto the floor like a scrap of meat.

Anyway, I'm going to run off and get the dishes done so I don't forget about them until right before I get ready for bed. I'm sorry about this entry sucking, I have an idea for a drawing, (FINALLY!), and since tomorrow's theme is letters, it's perfect because this drawing does include letters. So except at least a sketch tomorrow. The rough sketch is on notebook paper. I hope to at least have a good version drawn on unlined paper and maybe I'll even ink it.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Day 189/365: Leaves.

Today, you're getting a new picture. Yes, just one.

I am really obsessed with the infrared filter in Paint Shop Pro X right now. XD

So... yeah. Not saying what tomorrow's theme is so you'll be surprised. Have fun with that.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Day 188/365: Leave

Today, you are actually getting new pictures. As in, pictures I took a couple weeks ago.

You might recognize this playground equipment from a shot of mine from last year.

Same stuff.

Playing around in Paint Shop Pro X. There's an infrared filter that I decided to mess with.

A really giant dead moth I saw on the street in front of a convenience store. It was seriously huge, its wingspan was probably damn near as long as my hand.

Since I have a decent photo editing program on my computer again, you can probably expect to get more new stuff from me, but I don't promise you anything.

Tomorrow's theme is "leaves".

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Day 187/365: Leaping.

Today, I went through some old facebook photo albums. I was gone all day, had a shitty few hours, and I just feel like shit. I also have to deliver the huge Sunday papers tomorrow so I don't want to linger about here.

A picture of Vanessa. Figure out why it has to do with today's theme...

Coke+Mentos=Instant fun.

I hadn't intended for like all of these to be of Vanessa, but oh well. XD

Vanessa again.

Cute kid at the family reunion in 2008. The playground equipment he's on is no longer there. It's been replaced by newer, plastic-y, more boring equipment. But the new equipment is more colorful, so I suppose there's that.

Also, THANK GOD FOR AUTO SAVE. I was just about to finish this entry when my computer froze.

So yeah. Tomorrow's theme is "leave!", so I should be able to actually produce something new, even if it is just a sketch.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Day 186/365: Law enforcement.

Today, I made a new piece of art.
I tore through a few old magazines that had been in our recycling bin and then found a nice quote online.

That is a handwritten font you can find on dafont.com under the handwritten section. I printed a sheet off and then cut up the words and pasted them on the collage. I was going to try to use words and stuff from the actual magazine, but I didn't want it to look too much like a ransom note.
I have a feeling that if I ever create a serial killer character, the ransom notes are all going to be collages that are intricate works of art. I'm serious. Do not steal my idea. At least ask first if you're going to use my idea. Also YOU HAVE TO CREDIT ME. And I have to get 5% of the cash on each copy of the book sold.  XD

Anyway. I will be busy tomorrow so don't be too surprised if you don't get a new piece of art. I might have to charge my camera and actually take pictures instead of trying to draw something all the time because beginning on Tuesday, I am officially an employee of kmart, which will be calling K from this point on. I don't want them to get too many hits if they google my name and place of work. On Tuesday, orientation is from 1-3. I'm pretty nervous and anxious. I'm also really lucky and even somewhat blessed to be finding a job in this shitty economy. And I don't use the word "blessed" lightly.

Anyhoo. The theme tomorrow is "leaping", so we'll see how that goes.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Day 185/365: Laundry

Today you are once again getting old pictures. I can't explain it but lately I've just been more depressed and just all around less artistically motivated. In fact, I'm barely motivated for anything at all.
It's like, I go on one walk to and from the library and I'm so bushed I can't do much of anything for the rest of the day. Even if I chug a bunch of water and try to rest for a while. I still have so little energy.
I did put in my 30 days notice for the newspaper. So far my newspaper manager has not replied to my email (he doesn't work every single day; one of his days off was probably today), but I'm considering it effective beginning today. By the 26th of September, I expect to be completely done with delivering papers.

I actually hope it's long, long before that. There's a good chance I'll be offered a job at kmart just as soon as the background check comes in. I interviewed last Wednesday, so it could take until tomorrow to be in.
I wouldn't be working at kmart early enough to interfere with the paper route, but the paper route would have taken a back seat to any real job I'd get anyway.

As far as the exercise, I would still exercise for at least 45 minutes a day. Preferably 60 minutes, depending on what my hours at kmart would be.

Also, this will probably be the last time I mention where I might work by name. I don't say anything that would set anyone off, but I've learned from my past experience that's not usually a good idea to specifically name where you work, lest you be that much easier to track down on google.

Anyway, now that I'm getting down off my soap box, the entry can begin. These pictures begin in 2007, then go into 2008, and the last ones are from 2009.

The old Queen tee shirt. You can't see it very well, but I loved that shirt. I have worn it so many times. Now it's been delegated to a pajama/sit around home shirt, and I even used to wear it when I was a dishwasher at a bar/restaurant.

Same tee shirt. This was during my mega huge overkill Queen phase in 2007. I beat their music to shreds so bad, I still can't listen to Queen very much.

Transition into 2008, during my Who phase.

A trip the family went on. My brother really did wear a sky blue shirt that day, so that worked perfectly.

Now, I'm a bit hesitant to post this picture. It was from 2008, when I began my Def Leppard phase, and I have to warn you, I was probably at least 20 pounds heavier there than I am now.

Now, when I wear that shirt, it fits so much better. It fits like a regular, almost baggy tee shirt. Not a small shirt I barely fit into, as seen here. It's so easy for day to day progress to be invisible because it's so slow and gradual, but when I look at old pictures, I can definitely tell that I've lost weight.

The last three pictures were taken in 2009.

One day one of my dad's work shirts was hanging in my parents' bedroom. I noticed it when I went to put folded clothes away, so I snapped a couple pictures. Nobody else thinks they're worth shit, but I like them.

I wanted include a shot that I made warmer in color temperature.

This is a hat my mother has. It looks really great on her. I really like the hat, but it looks like shit on me.

Tomorrow's theme is law enforcement. We'll see how well I take that theme.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Day 184/365: Laugh.

Today, you're getting a random assortment of pictures. I haven't posted most of them online before, but a couple of them are like three years old. Also, some of the pictures are not that artsy, but funny, and taken on my cell phone. So quality won't be super awesome.

The first two are from when I used to wash dishes at a bar/restaurant. I had an eccentric co-worker who would routinely say the weirdest, funniest shit. These are reminders he wrote to himself.

I laughed so hard I cried when I ran across this on my computer today. 


This isn't artsy, but come on. Why does a hoodie need a collar like that?

Sometimes I go with my mom to mark book sale books at the local library. We don't get paid to do that but it's funny to see what books people get rid of. Also, as a bonus, the author's last name is "Gross", so I'm sure it was fun to be her in school.

Buy this book and you too can make Viking ships out of fruit!

I was filling out an online app and thought it was pretty hilarious the sorts of questions I was getting. Math? What the hell. I'm not applying at NASA, dude.

Another book sale book that amused me greatly.

My brother trying on goofy shades at Dollar Tree.

Wait, what? Let me get this straight. You want KNIT sandles? Doesn't that defeat the purpose. Or should I say, deFEET the purpose!

When we went to the Science Museum in Minnesota, I just had to take my picture on this giant chair. Why I haven't made this my facebook profile picture yet, I'm not sure.

My brother being a goof-tard.

Once my parents saw what my brother and I were up to, they decided to join in.

I told him not to accept food from Alice in Wonderland characters but he just wouldn't listen.

A game I saw in an antique store window. What's the game about? My guess is gay ponies, but nobody knows for sure. 

Tomorrow's theme is laundry. Yeah. Fuckin' laundry.
We'll see what we can do about that.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Day 183/365: Landscape.

I lied to you yesterday. You aren't getting new pictures. I'm so tired right now, I actually considered saying "fuck it" and submitting the entry tomorrow so you're lucky I'm even posting.

I should clone brush out that buoy but I'm too lazy.

A picture I like. I hope you haven't seen it before.

Yeah. I'm really sorry about that. This has sucked as well.
This sounds awful of me, but I'm almost considering just calling it quits with this blog. You don't see great, new art very often, so it's basically just me reusing old pictures, and that's not what I set out to do. I'll try harder for tomorrow. It's just that, when it's so hot out, and I'm so tired and thirsty and my allergies are so awful, I just can't give a shit about a stupid blog nobody reads.

Tomorrow's theme is "laugh".

Monday, August 22, 2011

Day 182/365: Kittens.

I confess. Today's theme was supposed to be kites, but I couldn't find a goddam thing in my gallery for that that I haven't already used, so I changed the theme to kittens. Old pictures again, sorry about that. Tomorrow I promise you'll get something new.

God I've totally sucked at keeping up this blog. I promise I'll be better about that. Even if it kills me.
Well not if it kills me, but whatever.

Kitten at Vanessa's, a few years ago. Some of them were outside for their first day ever (being born and up until then raised in the house) and it was so damn adorable the way they walked through the grass.

This picture is a bit fuzzy, but omg, I can't get enough of Kira's cute little kitten face. I don't have any pets of my own, so taking pictures of Vanessa's was fun.

Vanessa's again. Not technically a kitten, but I don't care.

Tomorrow's theme is "landscape", unless I feel like changing it again. LOL. I won't. I've got plenty of landscape pictures, and you WILL be getting at least one that hasn't been published yet.XD

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Day 181/365: Kiss.

Today, you're getting old pictures once again, and I apologize for that, but my head just isn't in the "art" thing right now.

This blog has not only forced me to make some great art I wouldn't have otherwise made, it's teaching me about myself, I think. Lesson one: keep your word, and don't say things you don't intend to keep up with just to shut people up. Be honest with them, even if you get a bunch of weird looks. Whatever.

Titled "Kiss from a rose" because I couldn't think of any other titles.

I also searched the keyword "Love" in my deviantart gallery, and this popped up.

Many an alcoholic drink were had during the few times I stayed at this house. This picture perfectly represents  Saturday or Sunday morning. You know, when you'd gotten really juiced the night before, and nobody has anywhere to go the next morning... So you're all just chilling in the living room, either hungover or still slightly drunk. For me, this picture perfectly captures that sort of odd, pleasant haze everyone is in.

I used to take a bunch of little macro shots. I don't do that much anymore, I'm not sure why. I'm just not as inspired as I used to be when it comes to photograhy.

Back when I actually knew where my Def Leppard Rock of Ages dvd was, I got slap happy with the screenshots and making fangirly wallpapers with them. I mainly dedicate my fangirlism to Rick Allen, but there's a spot in my fangirly heart for Steve Clark.

Once again, my apologies. One thing this blog has reaffirmed for me is that I can't be creative on command. I can't just go "Okay, make a picture" and POOF, a great picture magically appears. My creativity is a strange beast. It's too much like me. Ninety nine percent of the time it's off pissing around on the internet and doing whatever it is that creativity does when it's not working. Then, on that rare occasion, it decides to work for a few hours, then it goes back to being a lazy bum that nobody can locate when there's work to be done.

Yes, it's much too much like me. But then, it is my own creativity.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Day 180/365: King.

Let's play the good news bad news game. The good news is today, you're getting pictures you haven't seen before. The bad news is, they have jack shit to do with today's theme, except one of them, and even that's a stretch.
I'm sorry, I just don't give a shit right now. I'm tired.

This one vaguely reminds me of a crown.

The most awesome coffee shop ever is Java Joes in Des Moines. Do not try to test me on that. It's got this amazing stereotypical artsy fartsy coffee shop feeling. This sound stupid, but I would almost legit consider living in DM just so I could go to this coffee shop and work on art and shit. 
I don't get quite the same feeling anywhere else, in any other coffee shop.

Uh, yeah. This entry sucks. I was trying to make an image blend wallpaper of Rick Allen, but it wasn't coming out. Plus, I'm in a rush. It's already 9pm, and I have to deliver the stupid fucking Sunday paper tomorrow. I hate the Sunday paper. I plan on stealing mom's backpack to use, just because that would evenly distribute more of the weight. As it is, I have to throw a bag over each shoulder and then wear a crappy drawstring backpack. I will probably still have to use two over the shoulder bags, but using a backpack would just bea  big help and I really don't care if she doesn't like when I use her backpack.
Tomorrow after a while we're moving the rest of my brother's stuff to his college dorm. So yeah. There you go.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Day 179/365: Jumping.

Yeah. I'm posting old pictures. I had a stressful today, and I didn't feel very artsy. I also haven't bothered to charge my camera in a couple weeks now, mainly because I've got art block again.

This was at a Renaissance Festival, where they had one of those bungee ride things for kids.

This is a screenshot from Sims2. I uninstalled it on this computer because the game takes up a shitload of space and always runs frustratingly slow, but I do miss playing. Thankfully the facebook apps Sims Social keeps me from going into complete Sims 2 withdrawls.

I took this at my favorite public access dock in the town where I live. This particular day, I decided I needed some contemplation time away from the computer, and my house. Granted, this spot isn't even a block from my house, but you get my point.
I got there just at the right time to catch a fantastic sunset. I also saw several hummingbirds, which were literally gone in the blink of an eye. There were also some seagulls around, and I literally watched a fish jump right out of the water for a second.

The clouds were amazing the day this was taken. I took it through a car window, too. If you're wondering why I'm posting this today... it's because the two keywords I searched for in my deviantart gallery were "jump" and "air". So yeah. 

I'm sorry today's post sucked so much. I've been oddly depressed and in a downer mood for most of today. I was probably the happiest when I watched a rerun of Psych, but other than that, it's just sucked. Tomorrow's theme is "King", so I'll have to see what I can do.