Saturday, August 20, 2011

Day 180/365: King.

Let's play the good news bad news game. The good news is today, you're getting pictures you haven't seen before. The bad news is, they have jack shit to do with today's theme, except one of them, and even that's a stretch.
I'm sorry, I just don't give a shit right now. I'm tired.

This one vaguely reminds me of a crown.

The most awesome coffee shop ever is Java Joes in Des Moines. Do not try to test me on that. It's got this amazing stereotypical artsy fartsy coffee shop feeling. This sound stupid, but I would almost legit consider living in DM just so I could go to this coffee shop and work on art and shit. 
I don't get quite the same feeling anywhere else, in any other coffee shop.

Uh, yeah. This entry sucks. I was trying to make an image blend wallpaper of Rick Allen, but it wasn't coming out. Plus, I'm in a rush. It's already 9pm, and I have to deliver the stupid fucking Sunday paper tomorrow. I hate the Sunday paper. I plan on stealing mom's backpack to use, just because that would evenly distribute more of the weight. As it is, I have to throw a bag over each shoulder and then wear a crappy drawstring backpack. I will probably still have to use two over the shoulder bags, but using a backpack would just bea  big help and I really don't care if she doesn't like when I use her backpack.
Tomorrow after a while we're moving the rest of my brother's stuff to his college dorm. So yeah. There you go.

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