Today, from 10 am to 4pm, I have training at my new job. And by training, I mean I sit upstairs in the staff room for six hours and watch training videos. There's also some computer program I have to go through. Together, the lady I talked to said it took most people about 12 hours to get through, which I figure should work for me. After all, as the adage says, "don't rush me, I get paid by the hour".
Considering how little experience I have working face to face with customers, and how I have no retail experience at all, I'll actually be trying to soak in as much of that as I can. And I guess it's a chance for me to test my acting chops. We'll see how cheerful I can pretend to be without making it SEEM like I'm faking it.
In all actuality, I like the people I've met so far (there was even this older chick who had a nose ring), with one girl being in the college choir with me so it's really just my fear of the unknown and new that I'll have to get over.
ANYWAY. Entry. I have to wait for my mother to leave for work, then I want to take a nice long, relaxing bath... but not until I make sure the load of laundry I have in is dry, or else I'll have nothing to wear.
You'll have to forgive me the quality of this one. I was having immense trouble with it in Paint Shop Pro X. It came up with some error about not being able to overwrite the file, which does happen with some of the pictures I take. It's odd, really.
Anyway. I have shit to do, so if you'll excuse me, I'm going to get to that. Today's theme is lies, but considering I'm going to be gone for six hours, I'm not sure exactly what you'll get for that.
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