Monday, May 23, 2011

Day 91/365: Empty.

Today, I'm sorry but I don't have any new pictures for you. It was my first morning delivering newspapers (well, since 2006, which was when I had my first route), and I thought of perhaps using a picture or two I took of main street, completely devoid of cars, but... My dad didn't work tonight, which means I can't get on the computer that I use to upload pictures, so... I'm putting together a meager collection of pictures loosely related to the theme.
Once I get more used to the waking up at 4:15-30 and going to bed at 9-9:30 thing, I imagine I should be able to come up with more (and new!) art, but today I've just felt kind of tired and lazy. I should get back to the library to return a couple books I've had for a while, but the movie I checked out isn't due until Wednesday, so I probably won't go until then.

I know it's only May 23rd, but I almost feel guilty on days where I don't have the energy to go gallavanting around town. I have promised myself that I'm going to be super busy with being outdoors and enjoying all the weather/activities this summer. I know stuff really gets going in this town in June, but... I don't know. Whatever I do, I don't want to piss away half the summer indoors, so then it'll be October, and I'll go "Ugh, I should have spent more time outside. Now it's getting cooler and blaaaaaaaaah". I want to exhaust myself with and get totally immersed in summer.

Well, I've totally swerved off topic, so let's get back to it.

I know today's pictures may seem a bit loose with how they tie into the theme, but you should be used to that by now. Not that anybody reads this. Sometimes it feels pointless to even keep updating this blog. Nobody ever comments on it or acknowledges that they read it at all. And part of that is probably my fault. I guess I don't do much to advertise. I should figure out more to do, because posting a blog a day every day for a year is a pointless achievement if only five people even know what you did.

Tomorrow's theme is "entrance", and... it'll probably end up being an artsy fartsy picture of somebody's doorway. Maybe I'll take a few more pictures tomorrow when I'm out delivering papers. Or after I'm done. Monday-Thursday, I only have 22 papers to deliver a day, a bit higher on the weekend. One person gets a paper Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, a couple people only get the Sunday paper, and several other people get both the Saturday and Sunday papers, but that's it. It sounds more confusing than it is.
I'm off to finish up some web browsing and then I'll be in bed.

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