I'm fairly sure you have seen this before, but I don't care. It's a pretty old picture. The reason I included this is I'm envious of myself from that time, in some ways. For one, I could still drive. For two, I seemed to have a lot more ideas for pictures. Not all of them were good, but I just feel like I have photographer's block. I never want to take a bunch of trinkets and take a bunch of still life shots like I used to do.
This is another rather old picture. I don't know that the picture is that good, but I get a certain vibe from it. I guess you could say I'm envious of that time in a way. I could still drive back then, even though in many social areas I was still very immature.
An old picture of a college friend, Amanda. You could say I'm envious of her in many ways. Many except the fact that she's pregnant. I love kids, but I don't want any right now.
It's just weird. All my friends are like... getting married. Having kids. That sort of thing. I am nowhere near ready for that crap.
The curtains could be envious of the sun. That either doesn't make sense, or it's very profound. I vote for the latter.
This picture is also rather old. From some time in 2007 I believe. Taken with my shitty old finepix A600 camera. People say megapixels don't matter, but that camera was only a 6.3 megapixel. The camera I have now is 12 megapixels, and I can most certainly tell the difference.
To be honest, I'm not really sure what this picture has to do with today's theme, but I like it a lot. It's got a dreamy feeling to it. For me, anyway.
I thought that the piece of wood in the picnic table could be envious of trees.
A rather old picture I ran across in my deviantart gallery, but I really like it. I don't take enough pictures of my mini mannequin anymore.
And that's today's entry for you. I really should be getting to bed.
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