I was going to relate today's theme with 'I'll finish this or go down fighting' but that obviously didn't work out.
I've had little to no energy today. What little I had was used up on the paper route this morning, and picking up a grocery bag full of trash at the lake. As in, I filled a grocery bag. Not I found a full bag. XD
Mother nature is around the corner with that lovely little gift of hers. For a few days before I develop this loopy, not quite there demeanor, and everything feels like a very realistic dream. Only in this dream, there are no odd situations... like...Johnny Depp isn't doing his eyeliner in my bathroom.
Which I haven't had a dream about, actually, but that would pretty much kick ass.
Anyway. I have my food journal entry up for today so after I submit this I'll be done with my "required" duties of the night.
I enjoy blogging daily to a certain extent, but once the year is up it will be nice to just... not have to worry about posting every day.
The food journal I probably will keep doing, just because it helps me keep track of what I eat, but I probably won't post that online. I'll just keep it in a word processing document and the blog I'm using as my food journal will go back to just being a regular blog. I might make a commitment to update it once a week. I could keep a list during the week of what I want to talk about. But I just wrote entry like... 181 for that. I'm only about half done. So I've got a while before I have to worry about it.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a bunch of random facebook pissing around to do. XD
Tomorrow's theme is go fish.
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