Monday, July 18, 2011

Day 147/365: grumpy.

I'm in a bit of a grumpy mood. It's getting better now but it just has to deal with how some guys just aren't worth the effort.

I also have a backlog of pictures I need to go through. A five gig folder full of them. I'm sharing with you today some shots I took in March of this year. Partly because they could be construed as grumpy, and partly because they're icy and snowy, and it's seriously hot out right now.

Here's what I said when I originally posted this one (this is the only picture previously published): "A big F and U I wrote in a huge snowbank. I was walking home with a raspberry chai tea latte, they didn't shovel a path to the road, so I tried going around, ended up sinking in snow up to my waist and ended up splashing coffee on my coatsleeve. I didn't want to write profanity, as children might see it, so I settled on FU because it would get the point across. Lol"

Cool story bro. IKR.
Moving on.

So... yeah. I'll be going to my grandma's tomorrow, but I may still be able to get a blog entry in on time. If I'm late, though, that's why.

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