Sunday, September 4, 2011

Day 194-5.

Yeah, my computer is being a boob so that's why yesterday's entry hasn't been posted. I was GOING to upload new pictures for you all, but my google chrome isn't working so I'm having to use firefox, and I mysteriously can't upload a picture in firefox without losing my internet connection.
Day 194 was supposed to be "Light" so... yeah

And today's theme was supposed to be lightning, but I don't have any fucking pictures of lightning. So just pretend the aforementioned picture was lightning.

Now if you'll excuse me, my throat is fucking KILLING ME.

But the good news is, I don't have to get up early to deliver a paper tomorrow, so I get to stay up as late as I want. It's a preview of what is to come after I'm done with the paper route for good... which will be September 22nd at the latest. I won't have to get up early on my birthday, October 9th.
Speaking of which, I'm going to put in for that day and Halloween off at my new job. Well. At least my birthday. I might put in for the day after Halloween, so I can stay out late on actual Halloween. I wouldn't mind working the day of Halloween if I got off work with enough time to go see my friends. 

Anyway, I have a food blog to write, and then I'm going to do copious amounts of fangirly things online for as late as I can possibly stay up.


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