Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Day 170/365: ice.

Today you're getting old pictures since I was gone for most of today. I was still kind of mood swingy and weird  today so I really didn't feel like drawing much of anything.

A picture I took in the winter of 2007.

This was taken during the winter of 2009. On that day I noticed it was snowing these huge, gorgeous snowflakes, so I rushed outside to get a few shots. Until I got them on the computer, I didn't know any of them had turned out. My camera has a habit of focusing on the reflection instead of what's on the glass, so I was happy this came out.

I seem to be the only person who likes this shot. It was taken in the winter of 2008.

This was taken in 2010. If it looked like this every day, I would actually like winter. It was gorgeous out.
As it is, I'm kind of dreading winter because I don't know if I'll be able to keep the paper route when it gets snowy and icy because I bike the route. And I'm not at all comfortable biking on icy roads.

Taken on Thanksgiving in 2007.

PUPPY! I live next door to the cutest boxer puppy on earth. That is all.

Anyhoo. Tomorrow's theme is "If only" and you WILL get a new piece of art if it kills me.
Well, not if it kills me, but you'll get some new art. 

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