Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Day 72/365: cutlery.

Phew. I was one typo away from making you all think this entry would be about spiked kool aid and Charles Manson.

Today's theme is cutlery, as you can see, and once again my camera decides to be a spoiled little wench diva. I had a weird idea of using a 45 record of mine as a plate, and putting flowers on it. Then, I'd put a few favorite pieces of silverware next to it, and poof.
Well, none of the pictures that involved silverware came out. They were all blurry. I try holding my breath when I take pictures but my camera doesn't like certain lighting. If it's too dark, bam, it takes too long to take and I blur the picture. If it's too light, bam, blurry picture. Even if I think my hands were perfectly still.

I do however have new pictures for you, they're just not quite on topic. First, I'll give you a couple old relevant pictures, then the new shots from today.

The beat up Eleanor Rigby single I bought for 50 cents at a second hand store. I didn't care that it looks way too crappy to play, or that it had writing all over it.

I was making a smoothie one day where out of nowhere I went "CAMERA!" and bounded in the other room to fetch my camera. I do this a lot.

Okay. Now for the pictures I took today.

I love the channel mixer in Paint Shop Pro 8. It does trippy things and I like trippy things. Lol.

LOVE IT. It's like... sunset colors. You can't tell here but that 45 is green.

Told you.

This is pretty much how all the pictures looked without trippy things done to the color balance or channel mixer filters.

I think it looks nice with a cool-ish color balance.

Reminds me of old colorized photos. Basically this is a two layer picture. The base layer is the full color version, and the top layer is black and white. I think the opacity of the black and white layer was like..60 percent. I just edited this picture ten minutes ago and I already can't remember.

Are you tired of looking at this record yet?

I'm not sure why I like this one. It almost looks like a picture out of an old newspaper or something. I don't know.

Anyway, that's today's entry. Mom and I have some shopping to do and then we're going to movie night at this rich gay couple's house. It's awesome. Gay people literally outnumber straight people at these get togethers. 

Gay people are so awesome.

Anyway. For tomorrow's theme we leave the "c"s behind. Tomorrow's theme is "dance", and I'm already brainstorming and doing some random sketching for that.

Fuck. I just remembered.
Okay. So I painted my nails not thinking much of it. I just remembered I not only have a load of dishes soaking in the kitchen sink, but I have two goddam baskets of laundry I need to fold. And my nails are not dry yet. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
Eh. I'll just tell mom I'll finish that shit after we get back from movie night. Because then I can fuck up my nail polish. I just want it to look decent for movie night. Lol. 
I'm still mad at myself for forgetting that. Dammit.

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