Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day 85/365: doubt.

Today, in a strange movement of being well prepared, I actually finished a good chunk of tomorrow's art, as well as took a couple pictures for today's.

Don't get used to that sort of forward thinking. It won't be too long before I'm getting up at 5am to deliver newspapers so... I imagine that will be weird. I'm kind of hoping I can get a couple hours of sleep when I get back home from delivering, but I'm not good at sleeping when it's light out, so we'll see how that works.


Yep. I pretty must just wrote on a leaf with a ball point pen and took a picture of it.

I'm not sure why I liked this coloring. Usually I'm not for such harsh contrast in a colored photo. I usually reserve high contrast in black and white pictures.

I decided to save you all from posting any extra old photos. Besides. I might need to use those later on a day that I'm not feeling so artsy.

Tomorrow's theme is "dreams", and marks the last "d" word on my art list.

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