Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Day 120/365: Foreign.

Well hello ladies and gents.
Today has been a good day I suppose. Pretty lax. The paper route went fine. It thunderstormed like hell last night, but it stopped before I got up to deliver papers so that was good.
Our wireless internet is being weird. Our network isn't showing up in the list. Just the "linksys" one... that's the brand of our router, and my USB wireless adapter. We haven't called the phone company about that yet, but mom probably will tomorrow if our network doesn't start showing up in the list.

I packed my lunch and ate it at the lake today. It was pretty windy though, so why I chose to bring, among other things, a raw spinach salad, is beyond me. The spinach kept trying to fly right off my fork. I wouldn't mention that here except I found it rather amusing. I texted my brother back and forth and we joked about the "WIND DIET".
I biked to the library today and checked out three books.... and don't laugh at me, but one of them was a biography of Fred Astaire. I'm just curious is all. Thankfully, age is starting to ward off the rabid obsessions, but I do like to know a little bit about the singers, dancers, performers or whatever that I'm interested in.

I made the mistake of not bringing a backpack or anything, so I had to stuff two of the books in the lunch bag I brought, and I had to carry the larger book while I biked home. So that was fun.

Anyway, you didn't come here about that. You came to see some art.

I'd had the elephant idea in my head for a while, but today's theme being what it was gave me an excuse. I had part of this drawn up last night but did the substantial work on it today.
Also... I know I've already said this, but I have to say it again; it's really nice to finally have a scanner that can tell the difference between red and orange. Our old one had a terrible time with that.

Also, I do want to say that I realize that elephants are supposed to have tusks. I tried to put some on this one, but they just didn't look right so I left them out.

Tomorrow's theme is "for you", and I'm not quite certain what I'll be making for that... but there's a good chance that it will be Peter Gabriel related in some way. I've been listening to him an awful lot lately.

I should mention that the lyric featured in today's piece of art is from this song. I know "this is your life" is a pretty generic phrase but I want to give credit where it's due. Plus, I can't stop watching this video. It's dorky and adorable, and the song has a great message.

Anyway, I should probably do some dishes or something and maybe start contemplating what to make for dinner so I'll see you all later.

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