Saturday, April 2, 2011

Day 41/365: Celebration

Well kids, I do not have a new picture for you today, as I said I might. So, as with all the other days I use pretaken pictures, you'll be getting a bunch of them.

Firstly, let's begin with this little alcoholic drink.

This was my first legal alcoholic drink. My parents took me out to eat on my 21st birthday. This was taken with my shitty old 6.3 megapixel camera.

Keeping with the alcohol theme, let's move on to picture numero dos.

This is the inside of a bottle of bacardi strawberry, which I literally drank at 9am. It was one of these epic parties at Jenny's. We all went there and partied that Friday night, and then we were all sitting around Saturday morning. None of us had anything to do that day or night so we decided to stay and party some more. Good times. Now that everyone is growing up, getting married, and having children, I probably won't ever be at another party quite like that.

This was taken while driving home from one of those parties at Jenny's. I've just now started feeling comfortable with posting pictures I took while driving. Since I haven't had my license since early 2009, any memory of me driving at all is kind of uncomfortable and depresses me, but I figure... what the fuck. Also... None of these were taken dangerously. I had my eye on the road the whole time and just kind of took a picture without looking to see what I was getting.

Now, adhering more to the party theme, I give you this.

A piece of my brother's birthday cake. This was his 17th birthday (He's 19 now). It was a red velvet cake, and it was delicious. XD

This was taken at a friend's wedding reception, that I helped decorate for. The centerpieces were handmade, which had to have been a lot of tedious work, but it was cute and felt more personal than store bought crap would have.

And last, but not least.

My friend Vanessa and I were chilling at East Park once, and one of the picnic tables had "Reserved for sexy party" written on it. I found that humorous, so I told my friend to sit on the table and I took her picture. Vanessa is a really great subject. As seen here.

And here.

And also here.

Aaaaand here. Last one, I promise.

I lied. THIS is the last one.

Sooo yeah. That's today's entry. Tomorrow's theme is Chains, and I promise you, you will have a new piece of art, using lyrics from the song by Duran Duran.

You're welcome. Now, I'm off to get the glass of water I've been meaning to get since I wrote my food journal entry for today. Stay safe, have a good rest of the weekend, and if you do something stupid and drunk, remember to text it to someone so they can post it on ;)

1 comment:

  1. LOL I am happy im such a good subject for you! Had alot of fun with those. I do consider the pics of me in the black skirt to heavier days. I know,I know, but it what I see when I look @ 'em....
