Sunday, April 3, 2011

Day 42/365: Chains.

Firstly, I have to apologize. I had intended to make a new drawing for you today, but I have a raging case of artist's block. I sketched a ton of different things and threw around a bunch of ideas, and everything was looking like shit.

I threw together a photomanip for you.

So, while this picture is not new, this photomanip is, thusly you have a new piece of art today.
Lyric is from "Chains" by Duran Duran. The name of that font is "Clive Davis" and you can find it for free on the internet. Don't pay for it. :)

Today is not one of those days where I put off making a piece of art, and then threw something together at the last minute, just so I had something to post. I debated for ages and ages over what to make. This is the best I could come up with right now. For once, I spent most of my day outside and not on the computer. So... yeah. 

Tomorrow's theme is "chair". Just a heads up. You probably won't get a drawing, but there is a good chance you will get a new picture.

Anyhoo, I'm off to do nerdy internet things. Toodles

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