Friday, April 22, 2011

Special Entry: Earth Day.

Well kids, it's Earth Day. The weather this year is nothing like last year. Last year, I walked around town in a tee shirt, a skirt, and sandles. It was a sunny, gorgeous day last year, and I was out and about picking up garbage. I walked past a guy standing outside a bar, and he was talking on his cell phone. He asked if I was picking up trash for earth day and said 'Good for you blahblahblah'. What he didn't know is that I don't wait for earth day to pick up garbage. I do it for as long during the year as I possibly can. Obviously in the winter it doesn't happen that much. However, throughout much of the spring, summer, and fall, I pick up garbage. I walk to town with plastic grocery bags in my purse for the sole purpose of picking up trash.

I feel a little guilty that I probably won't get out to pick up any trash today, but when you consider how just how much garbage isn't in the lake thanks to me, I'm not going to let today bother me.

There is literally probably a dumpster's worth of garbage that I have picked up off the ground or picked out of the lake. There are numerous bottles and cans, and even cardboard I've put in our own recycling bins. I never get plastic bags when I go to the store. Every month, we recycle at least four huge bags full of recyclables, sometimes five.

And really? We need an Earth Day once a month. We really do. The volume of garbage I see on the ground around here is appalling. So... I guess what I'm saying is I love earth day, but we should really treat every day like earth day. I know that's cliche but I think it's what we need to do.

Anyway, to get on with today's special entry, I'd like to present to you a storybook I had when I was a little kid. I even wrote my name in it.

I was six years old. I still remember the day I wrote my name in this book, because I wrote my name in a bunch of my other books at the same time. 

If you want to actually be able to read, I suggest you click on each picture to get a larger view.

There you have it. I know it was published in 1991 but it still has a lot of good messages for kids. I thought about recording myself reading the book, but I don't have a webcam, and my digital camera isn't the greatest.
I may be getting someone's hand me down webcam soon, and should that be the case, I may consider reading "The Great Kapok Tree" on webcam.

Also... I may do some actual art in honor of Earth Day today. Either way, the next art theme in the list is going to be put off until tomorrow, in honor of Earth Day. This is probably the only time I'll postpone a theme on the list. I just didn't want to be posting this, THEN some art for Earth Day, and THEN the next theme on the list all in the same day.

Happy Earth Day everyone.


The picture I made for earth day. Made from some newspaper, parts ripped out of an old magazine, and a panel from the cardboard box we got our new rubbermaid kitchen containers in. 

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