Friday, July 1, 2011

Day 130/365: Garden.

I'm terribly sorry but I'm going to be using old pictures for today's entry. I was out and about for a great deal of today, and quite frankly, my garden is nothing special to look at yet. And it's all weedy. I need to rake them out. Considering the torrential downpour going on right now, that's not going to happen for a couple days.

This picture isn't that great. It was just these furry looking flowers we had once. We haven't gotten them again because they get eaten up really fast by squirrels, birds, rabbits, whatever is into eating fuzzy flowers... which is sad because they're kind of cool.

You've probably seen this before, but I like it a lot so I'm posting it again. :P

Our landlord killed everything around our house off with weedkiller because he's an idiot with no respect or concern for nature.

I love how my camera actually picked up something as tiny and hard to capture as a spider web.

These flowers don't come in anymore, thanks to our shit for brains landlord.

A picture from my unfortunate "Run everything through a super Soft Focus filter in Paint Shop Pro" phase. It's still a decent picture.

These flowers don't come in anymore either. Stupid ass landlord.
Anyway. This is one of the legit favorite pictures of mine that I've ever taken.

But yeah. I do apologize for having to use old pictures, but I still haven't quite caught up on the sleep I missed out on last night. You can expect the new art every day to resume tomorrow.
Tomorrow's theme is "gatherings", so you can expect a bunch of pictures I took at the Arch Allies concert. :)

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