Monday, July 25, 2011

Day 154/365: Harvest.

Today, you're getting the fruits of my drawing labor. The harvest, you might say.

Okay. That's a weak excuse, but I have only harvested one zucchini from my garden so far and I already made it into bread, so I don't have any freshly harvested vegetables to post pictures of.

Lyrics are from the A-ha song "Stay on these roads".

Hopefully the person who posted this video allows embedding. Otherwise, just search for "stay on these roads aha" in the youtube search bar.

I was going through all the A-ha music I have on this computer to see if there were any lyrics that fit the drawing, and "Stay on these roads" was one of the first songs whose lyrics I looked up.

Anyway, I plan on adding more color to the picture, but I like scanning things after I outline everything... just in case I fuck it up during the coloring process.

Anyway, tomorrow's theme is "hate", so we'll see how that goes. If I get to Hobby Lobby and buy a few new art supplies, it might inspire me to draw you something, but I doubt it. My artistic inspiration has been unpredictable, if it's present at all.
Now it's time to say good night (shameless Beatles lyric theft)... I meant to be in bed at least half an hour ago.

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