Saturday, March 19, 2011

Day 27/365: Blue.

I apologize. I had a great drawing planned for today, and I was actually almost done with the pencil outlines, but the stupid hand I was trying to draw was giving me a lot of trouble. A lot. I started getting really stressed about it, so I decided to set it aside for another day. There is surely another theme on my list that I could use that drawing for.

Never fear, though. Today's picture has never been posted before, so at least you're getting something new.

I got this shot through the car window, when we drove past the lake during the kite festival.

Every winter, my town has a Color the Wind kite festival, where people basically set up shop on the frozen lake and fly giant kites and whatnot. We've actually gotten out and taken pictures before, but this particular time, we decided to just drive past it. I was lucky enough to get this shot while the car was moving. Albeit, not very fast, because it was basically like a caravan of cars slowly parading past the lake, but still.

Anyway, I'm off to do other random internety things.

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