Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 9/365: Antique.

Today, I am blatantly cheating. I took this picture last summer, but I think it fits today's theme nicely. And hey. It's new to you, isn't it? Also, this is MY art project, and I shall make or break rules wherever I feel like it.

Taken last August. I have no idea how long that thing has been there, but it's been there at least long enough for me to have ridden it when I was little.

My family has been going to a family reunion in this same park ever since I can remember. I have only missed it a couple of times.

Being in August, it usually signifies the beginning of the end of summer, and while I shudder to even say the words "end of summer" right now... usually by the time August rolls around, we're all kind of wishing fall would hurry up and cool us off.

My brother and I usually go on a bit of a walk around town, and Bussey IA really is a tiny town. Made up of a bunch of dilapidated, crappy houses, but it's got a certain charm to it, if you could call it that. I don't know. It's very photogenic for being such a dumpy town.

Here are a couple other shots I've taken in Bussey

That would be my brother, before he basically went and got a mohawk

Someone's lawn ornament through their chain link fence.

Very cute, friendly cat. I really wished the cat was outside, or that it were more acceptable to barge into strange people's houses, because I totally would have

A sign in front of an old heating/cooling repair place. But the e had fallen off. I don't think this building is there anymore, sadly.

A hole busted through an old shop's front door.

So, there. A few of those were taken with my old 6.3 megapixel fuji film finepix A600. I use a j38 of the same brand now, and it has 12 megapixels. Which I enjoy.

Anyway. Tomorrow's theme is "a pair of...", and I promise you, you will have a brand new piece of art for that. Either in photo or drawing form. It WILL be new.  You can quote me on that.
I'm off to throw together my food journal entry for today, and then I'll be around facebook if you care to drop me a line. If you want to add me, make sure you tell me you're from blogger or I may just think you're a random stranger. http://www.facebook.com/melodyevapope

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